Blast from TV Past

This display required more work than any other display before or since (so far). Designing and carving the pumpkins themselves was no more difficult than any other display I've done, but to automate the display the way I wanted required a great deal of work and planning. When it was done, I had a sound clip from Michael Landon as Charles Ingles from the Little House on the Prairie play about 3-4 seconds of dialog while all the pumpkins except the one of Charles Ingles, went dark. Then all the pumpkins lit up while the theme song for Little House on the Prairie played. Then all the pumpkins went dark except for Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster played 2 seconds of dialog before all the pumpkins lit up again for the theme song for The Munsters. This process repeated for each TV show character featured. The program repeated this process throughout the 4 days of Pumpkin Walk.