08:54:23 From Lynette to Jay Ball(Privately) : Hi Jay! Thanks for doing this meeting. 08:55:34 From Jay Ball to Lynette(Privately) : You're welcome! Nice to see you :) 08:57:16 From Lynette to Jay Ball(Privately) : Is there sound? I have never done this before. 08:57:49 From Jay Ball to Lynette(Privately) : yes, can you hear me when I speak? 08:58:16 From Lynette to Jay Ball(Privately) : no 08:59:06 From Lynette to Jay Ball(Privately) : I can hear! Right on. 10:00:40 From Ty Mackey : Hey McKay, I came late but on Denver’s prophecy about the sign 10:00:42 From Ty Mackey : When the Seed of the Woman was born, a new star appeared in the heavens. In like manner, when the Lion of Judah returns, as with his first coming, there will be a new star seen. All the world will note its appearance and shall be troubled at its meaning. When it makes its appearance, you may know His return is soon upon the world. You may also know by that sign that he has given to me the words I have faithfully taught as His servant. 10:01:29 From Ty Mackey : Denver told me back in 2015 that the new star would be the city of enoch, and. It would be as big in the sky as the sun or moon 10:02:27 From Rob Hone : Temple Mysticism and...? 10:02:55 From Ty Mackey : The music of the Ainur 10:03:07 From Rob Hone : thank you 10:06:49 From James Norton : Temple Mysticism An Introduction 10:08:07 From James Norton : by Margaret Barker 10:14:42 From Bryan : people will say its a conspiracy, project bluebox/blue beam or whatever 10:17:00 From Brian Allred : It was rumored that a deception was planned for the year 2012 using blue beam. But was stood down due to two satalites going off line. 10:24:44 From Bryan : cool 10:24:56 From Bryan : that's interesting 10:25:19 From Bryan : throw your Mormon commentary in the trash 💜 10:26:26 From SarahHunter : Sorry, I came late. Are we going to have access to that document? I would like to have a personal copy. 10:26:33 From McKay Platt : macplatt@hitmail.com 10:26:52 From SarahHunter : Never mind, you just answered me 10:27:41 From Rob Hone : hitmail, not hotmail?