10:10:20 From Kiyoko Ball : StickofJoseph.org 10:11:21 From Kiyoko Ball : Mosiah 1:10 10:13:03 From Kiyoko Ball : Omni 1:17 10:14:01 From Kiyoko Ball : Welcome Donna! 10:18:41 From Kiyoko Ball : Mosiah 1:18 10:19:11 From Kiyoko Ball : Mosiah 2:3 10:20:19 From Kiyoko Ball : Mosiah 2:38 10:21:28 From Brian Zang : What is the third feast when they go to the temple? 10:21:34 From Brian Zang : Passover, Sukkoth…? 10:22:00 From Brian Zang : If you know... 10:24:22 From Kiyoko Ball : we can barely hear comments.. be sure to be close to your mic 10:25:33 From Brian Zang : That answered my question…Yom Kippur. Thanks! 10:26:21 From Kiyoko Ball : Mosiah Chap 1, 2, 3 10:27:13 From Brian Allred : King of the Jews, Temple Theology in John's Gospel by Margaret Barker 10:27:27 From Kiyoko Ball : Mosiah 2:21 10:30:35 From Kiyoko Ball : Mosiah 2:33 10:32:14 From Kiyoko Ball : verse 38 10:34:40 From Kiyoko Ball : alma 20:17 10:36:10 From Kiyoko Ball : Moroni 8:14 10:39:28 From Kiyoko Ball : Mosiah 1:3,5 10:48:03 From Kiyoko Ball : 2 ne 28:30 10:59:28 From Brian Zang : Sorry, I was talking to my kids, was I not muted? 10:59:39 From Kiyoko Ball : we could hear you Brian 10:59:55 From Brian Zang : I apologize 10:59:59 From Kiyoko Ball : Leland says: we are all different, for the people that need that mystery it would be a personal thing. 11:00:20 From Kiyoko Ball : sometimes people think they know but they really don't and they try to teach and it fouls up other's lives. 11:00:52 From Kiyoko Ball : I can understand why the Lord says he wants to be the one to teach the mysteries, or someone else that He tells to teach the mysteries 11:04:22 From Brian Allred : What was the last reference? 11:16:55 From Kiyoko Ball : can you hear Leland at all? 11:19:54 From Kiyoko Ball : HB3009 11:27:03 From Brian Zang : Thank you! 11:27:14 From Kiyoko Ball : It was good to see you all!